
about us

We are dedicated to your success at passing your nurse practitioner board exam!

  1. Educational reviews for nurse practitioners attempting the AANP/ANCC exams.
  2. Supplemental resources for review and exam practice
  3. Tutoring for individuals or groups
  4. Consultation and coaching services
  5. Blog: We also offer information on health topics, medical news,and nurse practitioner-relateditems that promote the profession and help you thrive as an NP!Through our Blog site.

Quick Tea

  1. Did you know the first nurse practitioner program in the world was developed in the United States of America by Dr. Loretta Ford and Dr. Henry Silver at the University of Colorado in 1965?
  2. Penicillin was discovered in the UK in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming. He called it “mold juice.”
  3. Methicillin (Celbenin) was next in 1959.
  4. MRSA showed up in 1961 and has refused to leave us alone!